"Happiness is usually attributed by adults to children, and by children to adults."
~Thomas Szasz
Big Thought, a non-profit organization promoting arts in education, has created an after school program for children to engage creatively in a safe environment. So, I get to spend my afternoons fostering creative thinking in kindergardeners! It's the best job but I must admit, they are teaching me so much more than I could ever teach them. Life can be so hard at times, but on days that I find tough to get through these kids show me there is so much to treasure! Imagination can take you anywhere, just yesterday I was on a space odyssey with great battles abounding and laser beams to watch out for! Oh, and their hearts are enormous, unafraid to love everything about everyone. They care for one another, forgive easily, lend a hand when someone needs it... It's funny how a child can help bring you back to the world the way it should be. I cherish the moments these little wonderers give me and find so much inspiration in how they view the world. Moving through life at such a fast pace can make it easy to forget your heart, but at the end of the day that is where you'll find your true happiness. Love big, always!

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