Color surrounds are lives in more ways than the aesthetic. It describes our moods, changes our perceptions, signifies warning and safety and, if you so believe, fills our auras. As I flew into San Francisco and then drove on into The Sonoma Wine Country, color littered the city. In early August the sky woke up in a haze of grey, but it didn't take long for the sun to burst through the more than willing clouds to light the landscape in all it's colorful glory. From the Golden Gate bridge with it's rustic red to the rich green leaves dotted with red and white grapes, found in CA vineyards sprinkled along every few miles of land, inspiring color was everywhere. The most exciting sight for me, though, were these lovely lavender plants, with the palest of purple flowers sprouting from a deep celadon stem, all the while yellow and black bees buzzed around spreading pollen from one bushel to another ensuring the survival of the species. It was a dream!

I explored, particularly, the Santa Rosa area where they hold the most fantastic outdoor market every Wednesday. Street vendors line Maple Avenue selling homemade granola, handmade feathered jewelry, flavored honey, crispy pita bread dipped into freshly made hummus, fruit like you wouldn't believe and then there was the ring table... UH! Love! Two women who scoured vintage shops and antique markets alike for the most unique hand adorning pieces one could ever hope to come across. I couldn't help but purchase two little treasures that day! OH! Have I not mentioned the food? So, there was food. Everywhere. Every kind. Good for you food, bad for you food. Greek food stood next to a mini donut shop, and an Indian stand stood proud in the mists of handmade goods vendors. A Mexican place was dishing out handheld tacos topped with bright, juicy tomatoes and vibrant green lettuce all paired with the shallow orange color of a mango agua fresca. A multi colored statue of Snoopy, an extension of the nearby Charles M. Schulz Museum, looked on as I choose to go with turkey legs and corny dogs, but at this market I could have very easily been on better behavior.

This bursting city of color, that I was able to explore while visiting CA, will remain in my memories forever. I wish I could go back and continue the journey, but I know that no matter where life takes me, I'll always be ready for the color.
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